UNIT I | ||||||
UNIDAD I | ||||||
1.1 Describir hábitos, rutinas y hechos/Describe habits, routines and events. | 1.1.1 Descripción de actividades rutinarias / Description of routines 1.1.2 Descripción de hechos / Description of facts. 1.1.3 Parafrasear / paraphrasing | Present tenses | Reward Upper-Intermediate, Student’s Book | 3 | INTEGRATED SKILL | |
Skyline 5, Student’s Book | 4 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Grammar in use, intermediate | 18 | GRAMMAR | ||||
English grammar in use | 19 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar form and function 2 | 1 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar form and function 3 | 3c | GRAMMAR | ||||
Oxford practice grammar, intermediate | GRAMMAR | |||||
Oxford practice grammar, intermediate | 26 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Oxford practice grammar, intermediate | GRAMMAR | |||||
How English works | GRAMMAR | |||||
How English works | GRAMMAR | |||||
Developing Grammar in Context | 11 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar is Great! 1 | 9 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Practical English usage | GRAMMAR | |||||
English grammar in use supplementary exercises | 41-44 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Reason To Write. Strategies for Success in Academic Writing. High Beginning. | 1 | WRITING | ||||
Present passive | American Shine, student’s book 2 | 5 | INTEGRATED SKILL | |||
Touchstone, Student’s book 4 | 3 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Skyline 3, Student’s Book | 7 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Basic noun Phrase | Touchstone, Student’s book 4 | 12 | INTEGRATED SKILL | |||
Icon 3 | 2 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
1.2 Pertenencias y relaciones / Possessions and relationships | 1.2.1
Expresar pertenencias / Express possessions 1.2.2 Describir cantidades / Describe quantities. 1.2.3 Revisión de área problemáticas / Reviewing problematic areas. |
Possessive pronouns | Touchstone, Student’s book 2 | 8 | INTEGRATED SKILL | |
Reward, elementary Student’s Book | 27 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Skyline 2, Student’s Book | 9 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Connect 3, Student’s Book | 6 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
My world 3, Student Book | 10 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Grammar form and function 2 | 5b | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar essentials | GRAMMAR | |||||
The Blue Book of grammar and punctuation | 3 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Basic English grammar | 8--9 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar Builder 1 | 3 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar Builder 2 | 3 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar Builder 3 | 2 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar works 1, Student’s Book | 6 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Intermediate Language Practice | 46 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Graded Exercises in English | GRAMMAR | |||||
Elementary English Grammar | 16 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Fundamentals of English Grammar | 4 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Indefinite pronouns | Skyline 3, Student’s Book | 6 | INTEGRATED SKILL | |||
Skyline 5, Student’s Book | 3 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Grammar form and function 1 | 10f | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar form and function 2 | 5f | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar form and function 3 | 9e | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar Builder 4 | 2 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar Builder 5 | 2 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Intermediate Language Practice | 45 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Interactions 1 | 8 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Practical English usage | GRAMMAR | |||||
Understanding and using English grammar | 8 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Quantifiers | Attitude, workbook 4 | 10 | INTEGRATED SKILL | |||
Attitude, workbook 4 | 10 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Touchstone, Student’s book 1 | 6 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Touchstone, Student’s book 3 | 5 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
face2face, Intermediate Student’s Book | 8 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
face2face1, Upper intermediate Student’s Book | 10 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Skyline 4, Student’s Book | 7 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
English file intermediate, Student’s Book | 2 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
American Inside Out Intermediate | 12 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
American Inside Out Upper-Intermediate | 13 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Interactions 1 | 3 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Advanced grammar in use | GRAMMAR | |||||
Grammar express basic | GRAMMAR | |||||
Grammar express basic | 22 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar express basic | 23 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Test it English Grammar Intermediate | GRAMMAR | |||||
English grammar in steps | GRAMMAR | |||||
Oxford Leaner's Grammar | 227 | GRAMMAR | ||||
English grammar in use supplementary exercises | 129-133 | GRAMMAR | ||||
UNIT II | ||||||
UNIDAD II | ||||||
2.1 Relatos y acciones pasadas / Stories and past actions | 2.1.1 Narración de eventos en el pasado / Narrative of past events | Past tenses | American Shine, student’s book 1 | 7 | INTEGRATED SKILL | |
American Shine, student’s book 1 | 8 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
American Shine, student’s book 2 | 2 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
American Shine, student’s book 2 | 5 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
American Shine, student’s book 2 | 6 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
American Shine, student’s book 2 | 7 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
American Shine, student’s book 3 | 3 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
American Shine, student’s book 4 | 1 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
American Shine, student’s book 4 | 3 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Attitude, workbook 4 | 2 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Attitude, student’s book 4 | 1 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Attitude, workbook 4 | 2 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Attitude, workbook 4 | 3 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Attitude, student’s book 5 | 6 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Touchstone, Student’s book 1 | 10 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Touchstone, Student’s book 1 | 11 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Touchstone, Student’s book 2 | 5 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Touchstone, Student’s book 3 | 2 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Touchstone, Student’s book 3 | 12 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
All-Star 1 | 9 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
All-Star 1 | 10 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Connect 3, Student’s Book | 2 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Connect 3, Student’s Book | 7 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Go for It Student's Book 3A | 3 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Icon 3 | 8 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
My world 3, Student Book | 5 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
American Inside Out Pre-intermediate | 3 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
American Inside Out Pre-intermediate | 6 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
American Inside Out Pre-intermediate | 7 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
American Inside Out Pre-intermediate | 18 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
American Inside Out Intermediate | 3 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
American Inside Out Intermediate | 4 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
American Inside Out Intermediate | 14 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
American Inside Out Advanced | 13 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
World Pass Upper-intermediate | 1 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Interactions 1 | 5 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Interactions 1 | 7 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Interactions 1 | 10 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Essential grammar in use | 23 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Basic grammar in use | 24 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar form and function 1 | 2 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar form and function 1 | 2g | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar form and function 1 | 2h | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar form and function 1 | 6 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar form and function 1 | 6a | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar form and function 1 | 6c | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar form and function 1 | 6e | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar form and function 1 | 6f | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar form and function 1 | 6g | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar form and function 1 | 6h | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar form and function 1 | 6i | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar form and function 1 | 7c | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar form and function 2 | 2 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar form and function 2 | 2a | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar form and function 2 | 2d | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar form and function 2 | 6e | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar form and function 3 | 2 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar form and function 3 | 2a | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar essentials | GRAMMAR | |||||
Grammar essentials | GRAMMAR | |||||
Grammar essentials | GRAMMAR | |||||
Grammar essentials | GRAMMAR | |||||
Grammar essentials | GRAMMAR | |||||
Grammar essentials | GRAMMAR | |||||
Grammar essentials | GRAMMAR | |||||
Grammar essentials | GRAMMAR | |||||
Grammar essentials | GRAMMAR | |||||
Oxford practice grammar, intermediate | 21 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Oxford practice grammar, intermediate | GRAMMAR | |||||
Basic English grammar | 5--4 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar Builder 1 | 8 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar Builder 2 | 7 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar Builder 3 | 6 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar Builder 4 | 3 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar Builder 5 | 3 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Interactions 1 | 5 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Interactions 1 | 8 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Interactions 1 | 11 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Graded Exercises in English | GRAMMAR | |||||
Graded Exercises in English | GRAMMAR | |||||
Graded Exercises in English | GRAMMAR | |||||
Graded Exercises in English | GRAMMAR | |||||
Graded Exercises in English | GRAMMAR | |||||
Graded Exercises in English | GRAMMAR | |||||
Graded Exercises in English | GRAMMAR | |||||
Graded Exercises in English | GRAMMAR | |||||
Advanced English practice | 77 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Advanced English practice | 78 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Advanced English practice | 79 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Elementary English Grammar | 32 | GRAMMAR | ||||
A Practical English Grammar Exercises 1 | 3 | GRAMMAR | ||||
A Practical English Grammar Exercises 2 | 18 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Build your vocabulary 1 | 35 | VOCABULARY | ||||
Build your vocabulary 1 | 47 | VOCABULARY | ||||
Build your vocabulary 1 | 35 | VOCABULARY | ||||
Build your vocabulary 1 | 47 | VOCABULARY | ||||
Reason To Write. Strategies for Success in Academic Writing. High Beginning. | 4 | WRITING | ||||
Past Passive | American Shine, student’s book 2 | 5 | INTEGRATED SKILL | |||
American Shine, student’s book 3 | 3 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Touchstone, Student’s book 3 | 12 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Skyline 3, Student’s Book | 11 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Reason To Write. Strategies for Success in Academic Writing. Intermediate. | 2 | WRITING | ||||
2.2 Comparaciones / Comparisons | 2.2.1 Comparación de dos o mas elementos / Comparison of two or more elements 2.2.2 Comparación de acciones / Comparison of actions | Comparative-superlative of adjectives | American Shine, student’s book 1 | 4 | INTEGRATED SKILL | |
American Shine, student’s book 1 | 6 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Touchstone, Student’s book 2 | 10 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Connect 3, Student’s Book | 4 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Grammar express basic | 31 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Elementary, language practice | 75 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Advanced Language Practice | 11 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Advanced Language Practice | 12 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Collins Cobuild English Guides Articles 3 | 8.1 | GRAMMAR | ||||
American Shine, student’s book 1 | 9 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Connect 3, Student’s Book | 4 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
American Inside Out Pre-intermediate | 4 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
American Inside Out Intermediate | 4 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Grammar express basic | 32 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar works 2, Student’s Book | 11 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar works 2, Student’s Book | 12 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Elementary, language practice | 76 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Practical English usage | GRAMMAR | |||||
Comparative-superlative of adverbs | American Shine, student’s book 1 | 9 | INTEGRATED SKILL | |||
2.2.3 Información para caracterizar al sujeto / Information to characterize the subject | Wh-Questions, Who/what subject/object | face2face, elementary Student’s Book | 3 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||
Connect 3, Student’s Book | 3 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Connect 3, Student’s Book | 6 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Advanced grammar in use | 26 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar form and function 1 | 3i | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar form and function 1 | 4e | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar form and function 1 | 6h | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar form and function 2 | 1g | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar form and function 3 | 11b | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar express basic | 17 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Oxford practice grammar, intermediate | 36 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Oxford practice grammar, intermediate | 38 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar Builder 1 | 12 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar Builder 2 | 11 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar Builder 3 | 10 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Elementary, language practice | 33 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Relative clauses | Attitude, workbook 4 | 9 | INTEGRATED SKILL | |||
Attitude, workbook 4 | 5 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Attitude, workbook 4 | 9 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Attitude, workbook 4 | 11 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Touchstone, Student’s book 3 | 7 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
face2face, Intermediate Student’s Book | 9 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
face2face1, Upper intermediate Student’s Book | 4 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Reward Intermediate, Student’s Book | 9 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Reward Intermediate, Student’s Book | 27 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Reward Upper-Intermediate, Student’s Book | 14 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Skyline 3, Student’s Book | 6 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Skyline 4, Student’s Book | 2 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Skyline 5, Student’s Book | 7 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Connect 4, Student’s Book | 7 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
English file intermediate, Student’s Book | 5 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Profiles, Student’s Book 3 | 3 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
American Inside Out Pre-intermediate | 17 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
American Inside Out Intermediate | 5 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
American Inside Out Upper-Intermediate | 11 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
World Pass Upper-intermediate | 9 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
World Pass Advanced | 9 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Essential grammar in use | 101 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Basic grammar in use | 115 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar in use, intermediate | GRAMMAR | |||||
Grammar in use, intermediate | 89 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar in use, intermediate | 90 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar in use, intermediate | 91 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar in use, intermediate | 92 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar in use, intermediate | 93 | GRAMMAR | ||||
English grammar in use | GRAMMAR | |||||
English grammar in use | 92 | GRAMMAR | ||||
English grammar in use | 93 | GRAMMAR | ||||
English grammar in use | 94 | GRAMMAR | ||||
English grammar in use | 95 | GRAMMAR | ||||
English grammar in use | 96 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Advanced grammar in use | GRAMMAR | |||||
Advanced grammar in use | 55 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Oxford practice grammar, intermediate | GRAMMAR | |||||
Oxford practice grammar, intermediate | 137 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Oxford practice grammar, intermediate | 139 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Oxford practice grammar, intermediate | 141 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Oxford practice grammar, intermediate | 143 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Oxford practice grammar, intermediate | GRAMMAR | |||||
Grammar Builder 1 | 16 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar Builder 2 | 16 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar Builder 3 | 15 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar Builder 4 | 9 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar Builder 5 | 9 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Exploring Grammar in Writing | 10 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar works 2, Student’s Book | 15 | GRAMMAR | ||||
How English works | GRAMMAR | |||||
How English works | GRAMMAR | |||||
How English works | GRAMMAR | |||||
How English works | GRAMMAR | |||||
How English works | GRAMMAR | |||||
English grammar in steps | 97 | GRAMMAR | ||||
English grammar in steps | 99 | GRAMMAR | ||||
English grammar in steps | GRAMMAR | |||||
English grammar in steps | 91 | GRAMMAR | ||||
English grammar in steps | 93 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Intermediate Language Practice | 25 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Intermediate Language Practice | 26 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Interactions 1 | 7 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Developing Grammar in Context | 21 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Developing Grammar in Context | 22 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Oxford Leaner's Grammar | 382 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar is Great! 3 | 11 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar Practice in Context | 97 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar Practice in Context | 99 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Advanced English practice | GRAMMAR | |||||
Advanced English practice | GRAMMAR | |||||
Advanced English practice | GRAMMAR | |||||
Advanced English practice | 119 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Advanced English practice | 121 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Advanced English practice | 181 | GRAMMAR | ||||
English grammar in use supplementary exercises | 134-137 | GRAMMAR | ||||
A Practical English Grammar Exercises 2 | 11 | GRAMMAR | ||||
English Grammar Lessons Upper-Intermediate | 14 | GRAMMAR | ||||
2.2.4 Revision de áreas problemáticas / Reviewing problematic areas | ||||||
UNIT III | ||||||
UNIDAD III | ||||||
3.1 Acciones futuras / Future Actions | 3.1.1 Expresar planes a corto y largo plazo / Express plans in the short and long term 3.1.2 Predecir / Predicting | Future tenses | Interactions 1 | 4 | INTEGRATED SKILL | |
My world 3, Student Book | 12 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Grammar form and function 2 | 3 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar form and function 3 | 3 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Essential grammar in use | 27 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Essential grammar in use | 28 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Essential grammar in use | 38 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Basic grammar in use | 28 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Basic grammar in use | 29 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Basic grammar in use | 39 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar in use, intermediate | 20 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar in use, intermediate | 21 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar in use, intermediate | 22 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar in use, intermediate | 23 | GRAMMAR | ||||
English grammar in use | 21 | GRAMMAR | ||||
English grammar in use | 22 | GRAMMAR | ||||
English grammar in use | 23 | GRAMMAR | ||||
English grammar in use | 24 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Advanced grammar in use | 9 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Advanced grammar in use | 16 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar form and function 1 | 8d | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar form and function 1 | 8e | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar form and function 2 | 3b | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar form and function 2 | 3c | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar form and function 3 | 3a | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar form and function 3 | 7d | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar express basic | 15 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar express basic | 37 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar essentials | GRAMMAR | |||||
Grammar essentials | GRAMMAR | |||||
Grammar essentials | GRAMMAR | |||||
Oxford practice grammar, intermediate | 23 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Oxford practice grammar, intermediate | 25 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Oxford practice grammar, intermediate | GRAMMAR | |||||
Oxford practice grammar, intermediate | 28 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Oxford practice grammar, intermediate | 29 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Oxford practice grammar, intermediate | 52 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Basic English grammar | 6--5 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Basic English grammar | 6--6 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Basic English grammar | 6--10 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar Builder 3 | 11 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar Builder 4 | 3 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar Builder 5 | 3 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar works 2, Student’s Book | 7 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar works 2, Student’s Book | 18 | GRAMMAR | ||||
How English works | GRAMMAR | |||||
How English works | GRAMMAR | |||||
How English works | GRAMMAR | |||||
English grammar in steps | 14 | GRAMMAR | ||||
English grammar in steps | 15 | GRAMMAR | ||||
English grammar in steps | 14 | GRAMMAR | ||||
English grammar in steps | 15 | GRAMMAR | ||||
English grammar in steps | 24 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Elementary, language practice | 25 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Essential language practice, beginning Students | 23 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Essential language practice, beginning Students | 24 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Essential language practice, beginning Students | 25 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Intermediate Language Practice | 8 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Intermediate Language Practice | 9 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Intermediate Language Practice | 13 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Advanced Language Practice | 2 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Advanced Language Practice | 11 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Advanced Language Practice | 12 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Interactions 1 | 2 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Developing Grammar in Context | 10 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar is Great! 1 | 9 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar is Great! 3 | 9 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar Practice in Context | 14 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar Practice in Context | 15 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Graded Exercises in English | GRAMMAR | |||||
Graded Exercises in English | GRAMMAR | |||||
Graded Exercises in English | GRAMMAR | |||||
Practical English usage | GRAMMAR | |||||
Advanced English practice | 16 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Advanced English practice | 17 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Advanced English practice | 18 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Advanced English practice | GRAMMAR | |||||
Advanced English practice | 20 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Advanced English practice | 51 | GRAMMAR | ||||
English grammar in use supplementary exercises | 41-44 | GRAMMAR | ||||
English grammar in use supplementary exercises | 45-48 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Elementary English Grammar | 40 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Elementary English Grammar | 41 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Fundamentals of English Grammar | 3 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Fundamentals of English Grammar | 5 | GRAMMAR | ||||
A Practical English Grammar Exercises 1 | 4 | GRAMMAR | ||||
A Practical English Grammar Exercises 2 | 15 | GRAMMAR | ||||
A Practical English Grammar Exercises 2 | 16 | GRAMMAR | ||||
English Grammar Lessons Upper-Intermediate | 2 | GRAMMAR | ||||
English Grammar Lessons Upper-Intermediate | 5 | GRAMMAR | ||||
English Grammar Lessons Upper-Intermediate | 11 | GRAMMAR | ||||
English Grammar Lessons Upper-Intermediate | 18 | GRAMMAR | ||||
English Grammar Lessons Upper-Intermediate | 24 | GRAMMAR | ||||
3.2 Dar instrucciones / Give instructions | 3.2.1 Dictar y recibir instrucciones / Give and receive instructions | Instructions | Interchange 2 | 4 | INTEGRATED SKILL | |
Interchange 2 | 7 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Reward Intermediate, Student’s Book | 26 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Enterprise 2, Student’s book | 15 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Enterprise 2, course book | 15 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Skyline 5, Student’s Book | 10 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Grammar Builder 5 | 4 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Developing Grammar in Context | 14 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Fundamentals of English Grammar | 5 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Reasons to write | 3 | WRITING | ||||
Writing Tasks | 3 | WRITING | ||||
Gerund/infinitive after verbs | World Pass Upper-intermediate | 8 | INTEGRATED SKILL | |||
3.3 Hechos y consecuencias / Facts and consequences | 3.3.1 Expresar hechos y consecuencias de diferente naturaleza / Express facts and consequences of different nature | Zero and first conditional | face2face, Intermediate Student’s Book | 6 | INTEGRATED SKILL | |
Reward Intermediate, Student’s Book | 31 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Profiles, Student’s Book 3 | 2 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Intermediate Language Practice | 13 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Developing Grammar in Context | 24 | GRAMMAR | ||||
American Shine, student’s book 2 | 6 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
American Shine, student’s book 4 | 6 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Attitude, workbook 4 | 4 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Attitude, workbook 4 | 10 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
face2face, Intermediate Student’s Book | 6 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Reward Intermediate, Student’s Book | 34 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Skyline 3, Student’s Book | 3 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
English file intermediate, Student’s Book | 4 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Grammar works 2, Student’s Book | 23 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Intermediate Language Practice | 13 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Modals | Attitude, student’s book 5 | 6 | INTEGRATED SKILL | |||
Attitude, student’s book 5 | 11 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Skyline 4, Student’s Book | 10 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Icon 3 | 5 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
English file intermediate, Student’s Book | 5 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
English file intermediate, Student’s Book | 7 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Profiles, Student’s Book 3 | 6 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Profiles, Student’s Book 3 | 9 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Profiles, Student’s Book 3 | 12 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
American Inside Out Pre-intermediate | 9 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
American Inside Out Intermediate | 1 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
American Inside Out Intermediate | 9 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
American Inside Out Intermediate | 10 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
American Inside Out Intermediate | 11 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
American Inside Out Upper-Intermediate | 10 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
American Inside Out Advanced | 9 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
World Pass Upper-intermediate | 4 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
World Pass Upper-intermediate | 5 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
World Pass Advanced | 2 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Essential grammar in use | GRAMMAR | |||||
Basic grammar in use | GRAMMAR | |||||
Grammar in use, intermediate | GRAMMAR | |||||
English grammar in use | GRAMMAR | |||||
Advanced grammar in use | GRAMMAR | |||||
Grammar form and function 1 | 11 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar form and function 2 | 11d | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar form and function 3 | 6 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar form and function 3 | 7 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar form and function 3 | 7h | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar form and function 3 | 8b | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar express basic | GRAMMAR | |||||
Grammar express basic | GRAMMAR | |||||
Grammar Builder 1 | 13 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar Builder 2 | 12 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar Builder 3 | 7 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar Builder 3 | 11 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar Builder 4 | 6 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar Builder 5 | 6 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Exploring Grammar in Writing | 3 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Exploring Grammar in Writing | 4 | GRAMMAR | ||||
English grammar in steps | GRAMMAR | |||||
Elementary, language practice | 36 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Elementary, language practice | 37 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Elementary, language practice | 38 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Elementary, language practice | 39 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Elementary, language practice | 40 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Elementary, language practice | 41 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Essential language practice, beginning Students | 36 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Essential language practice, beginning Students | 37 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Essential language practice, beginning Students | 38 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Essential language practice, beginning Students | 39 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Essential language practice, beginning Students | 40 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Essential language practice, beginning Students | 41 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Advanced Language Practice | 12 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Advanced Language Practice | 16 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar is Great! 3 | 9 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Understanding and using English grammar | GRAMMAR | |||||
Understanding and using English grammar | GRAMMAR | |||||
Understanding and using English grammar | 10 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Understanding and using English grammar | 11 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Time clauses | American Shine, student’s book 4 | 9 | INTEGRATED SKILL | |||
face2face, Intermediate Student’s Book | 6 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Skyline 5, Student’s Book | INTEGRATED SKILL | |||||
American Inside Out Pre-intermediate | 16 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Interactions 1 | 8 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
American Shine, student’s book 4 | 9 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
face2face, Intermediate Student’s Book | 6 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Skyline 5, Student’s Book | INTEGRATED SKILL | |||||
American Inside Out Pre-intermediate | 16 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Interactions 1 | 8 | INTEGRATED SKILL | ||||
Grammar form and function 1 | 6i | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar form and function 1 | 7b | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar form and function 1 | 8f | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar form and function 1 | 8h | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar form and function 2 | 2e | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar form and function 2 | 3g | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar form and function 3 | 3b | GRAMMAR | ||||
Basic English grammar | 5--19 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Basic English grammar | 5--20 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Basic English grammar | 6--13 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Interactions 2 | 7 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Advanced English practice | 64 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Fundamentals of English Grammar | 2 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Fundamentals of English Grammar | 3 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Understanding and using English grammar | 18 | GRAMMAR | ||||
A Practical English Grammar Exercises 1 | 4 | GRAMMAR | ||||
A Practical English Grammar Exercises 1 | 9 | GRAMMAR | ||||
A Practical English Grammar Exercises 2 | 21 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Clauses with because, so | Grammar form and function 2 | 13f | GRAMMAR | |||
Grammar Builder 1 | 16 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar Builder 2 | 16 | GRAMMAR | ||||
Grammar Builder 3 | 15 | GRAMMAR | ||||
UNIT IV | ||||||
UNIDAD IV | ||||||
4.1 Revisión general / General review | 4.1.1
Actividades integradoras para la consolidación de los saberes adquiridos / Integrating activities for the consolidation of acquired knowledge. |
Present tenses | Essential grammar in use | 252-255, 258-260 | GRAMMAR | |
Present and past passive | Essential grammar in use | 263 - 264 | GRAMMAR | |||
Past tenses | Essential grammar in use | 256 -257 | GRAMMAR | |||
Present and past | Essential grammar in use | 258 | GRAMMAR | |||
Present Perfect and past simple | Essential grammar in use | 260-262 | GRAMMAR | |||
Present, past and present perfect | Essential grammar in use | 262 | GRAMMAR | |||
Future tenses | Essential grammar in use | 264 | GRAMMAR | |||
Past, present and future | Essential grammar in use | 265-267 | GRAMMAR | |||
Infinitive/gerund after | Essential grammar in use | 268 | GRAMMAR | |||
Verbs | Essential grammar in use | 244-245 | GRAMMAR | |||