The Academic Areas of the Self-learning Language Center (CAI) are intended to support users' development of the skills necessary to acquire a foreign language through various learning methods and environments. The CAI provides a wide variety of materials and equipment to unique serve its purpose within the following Academic Areas:






    In the Reading Room users can work with a variety printed materials to reinforce and practice reading comprehension as well as research various topics related to writing and reading. Additionally, grammatical practice and vocabulary development is possible through the utilization of stories, magazines, books and technical dictionaries.

    Users enjoy reading new literature, illustrated novels and textbooks that are appealing. Also available is special purpose material that offers vocabulary specific to different majors, including but not limited to electronics, medicine and marketing. Users benefit from clear and illustrated vocabulary materials as well as have access to books on grammar and syntax.







    En esta área el usuario en forma grupal, desarrolla comprensión de lectura y expresión escrita e incrementa su vocabulario utilizando material comercial o didáctico de acuerdo a su nivel en la lengua extranjera; respondiendo actividades semi controladas referentes al material. Está área cuenta con un acervo filmatográfico muy variado: Clásicos británicos, suspenso, acción & aventura, comedias románticas, terror y drama.







    This area offers and academic service, the Self-learning Program in a Foreign Language (PAALE







    The Audio Room has seats for 31 students and ten for teachers from the University, each one well equipped with a computer and digitalized and downloaded material for users to practice and develop the listening skills.

    The material available is classified by level (basic, intermediate, advanced) and covers a wide variety of topics, including classic literature, pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, preparation for international tests, etc. Also available are teaching activities, which were designed by the counselors and based upon the Institutional Program of Foreign Languages (PILE) of the University. In this area uses have the opportunity to develop the following skills and sub-skills: listening comprehension, reading comprehension, pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar.





    In the Karaoke area users participate in group sessions to learn the target language through the use of music videos and songs that focus on developing pronunciation skills and vocabulary.

    One of the most innovative sources of information nowadays is the Internet, which users are provided free access to. Through the Internet, all users may utilize electronic and digital media such as hundreds of music tracks, new videos via YouTube, as well as the photos of and data about of their favorite artists and the most popular bands.






    In this area users are engaged through the use of dynamic vocabulary learning materials and resources. The materials and resources available cover a wide span of categories and cater to all skill levels.

    To encourage users to practice English, a list of useful expressions is provided for students to use during the session. This list can be downloaded prior to or after the session so that participants can review and practice the useful phrases in environments outside of the CAI. At the end of each session, participants are asked to complete an academic activity to show the teacher/counselor what he or she learned during the session.







    In this area more advanced users (those with an intermediate level or above) can participate in group sessions to practice pronunciation and gain conversation fluency in the target foreign language by discussing self-proposed topics on popular culture, intercultural themes and both national and international news.







    Users come to this area to clarify their grammar questions. Learning occurs in the traditional face-to-face format, where users can ask questions and the teacher/counselor responds. Each session takes one hour and is limited to five users.

    Participants ask one question at a time and the teacher/counselor responds in no more than ten minutes with the support of the Internet and a blackboard.

    Before leaving the session, the user must demonstrate comprehension of the response provided to validate that his or her doubt has been cleared.







    En esta área el usuario desarrolla comprensión de lectura, comprensión auditiva y expresión escrita además de incrementar su vocabulario utilizando material comercial o didáctico de acuerdo a su nivel en la lengua extranjera; respondiendo actividades semi controladas referentes al material. Cuenta con videos didácticos y ejercicios sobre diferentes temas gramaticales de los tres niveles (básico, intermedio y avanzado). Respondiendo a las inquietudes de los usuarios, está área cuenta ahora con nuevos equipos de cómputo, mobiliario e incluso clima artificial. El número de posiciones que se ofrece por sesión creció de 18 a 28 y cada computadora tiene instalado el material didáctico, más de cien películas, un diccionario electrónico y actividades en formato PDF para todos los niveles.







    The Multimedia Area helps users improve their self-learning organization and set their learning priorities. By practicing all the skills and sub-skills necessary to master the English language through the use of multimedia, users have the opportunity to develop advanced skills in critical thinking, analysis and problem solving while having fun at the same time.

    Multimedia resources available include: didactic videos with accompanying workbooks, interactive software programs, television series, commercial films, competency-based learning webpages, documentaries, electronic dictionaries and counting.







    Through the use of computers, users can practice reading comprehension, writing and pronunciation as well as expand their vocabulary. To ensure that effective learning takes place, users use educational materials and respond to semi controlled activities that correspond to their specific level and needs in the target foreign language.

    The area has instructional videos on different learning topics and three levels (basic, intermediate and advanced) of grammatical exercises. Also available are documentaries that not only promote language development, but also support students' area of study. Access to Internet pages made for the study of a foreign language as well as everyday English pages is also provided in this area.







    In this area the user can select from several resources and materials to independently practice any of the four language skills (listening, written comprehension, speaking and writing) or sub-skills (pronunciation, grammar or vocabulary). Users have access to computers containing updated learning software as well as both print and digital materials to review classic literature, workbook practice sheets, learning methods, test preparation skills, classic and current films and more.

    All the materials in the area are classified by level (basic, intermediate and advanced). This area also offers students Speaking and Grammar Support Sessions, where they can ask questions related to their classes, prepare for their next test or simply engage in conversation to improve language accuracy and fluency.



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