• To make proper use of the services offered by the center, the user must comply with Chapter V, Article 12 of the Rules and Regulations of the Academic Services Department.
  • The user must make a reservation using the Electronic Booking System to specify the day, hour and area he or she wishes to access.
  • The user must be in the area on the day and hour of the reservation no later than ten minutes of the reserved time.
  • The user must present a valid ID card before entering the area. The cards accepted are: Semester enrollment card, University Student Card, an external user card emitted by the center or an official (government) ID.
  • The user must keep proper conduct while present in the facilities.
  • Taking pictures or filming in the facilities is only allowed with prior authorization from the Office of the Self-learning Language Center.





  • The users can make reservations through the Electronic Booking System by entering their student, employee or external user ID number and their corresponding password (NIP).
  • The maximum number of reservations per day for any user is two.
  • The users may check their attendance record online as many times as needed.
  • A reservation may be cancelled up to ten minutes before the hour reserved.
  • Teachers and coordinators of any school or institute belonging to UAEH may consult the attendance record of any of the groups assigned to him/her via the Electronic Booking System by entering their employee number and their corresponding PIN.
  • The deadline to make reservations for each semester is determined by the language coordinators of each school or institute.





  • To enter an academic areas a user must have permission of the counselor on duty, a full- size notebook or self-learning worksheet, and a pencil and eraser – the use of pen is not allowed to avoid damage to materials, furniture and equipment.
  • The following is no permitted in the academic areas and facilities: backpacks, bags, briefcases, books, USB sticks, portable players, CDs and DVDs.
  • It is strictly forbidden to eat or drink in the academic areas.
  • All users must report any damage found on the materials or equipment, otherwise he/she will be held responsible and subject to the penalties provided on Chapter VI, Articles 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22 of the Rules and Regulations of the Academic Services Department.
  • All activity taking place during time at the center must be academic and related only to the learning of a foreign language.
  • Cellular telephones or radio equipment must remain turned off for the duration of each session.





  • The Storage Area is open Monday to Friday from 7 am to 8 pm and Saturday from 8 am to 2 pm.
  • The users themselves are responsible for the belongings they leave at the Storage Area. The center is not responsible for any lost or stolen items.





  • Any user who wishes to take the TOEFL diagnostic exam may ask for information at the Office of the Center.
  • The exam must be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance in the Computing Area from 7:00 am to 4:00 pm. The candidate must show a receipt of payment.
  • The exam is offered Monday through Friday at 8:30 am, 11:30 am and 2:30 pm.
  • The candidate must arrive on time to the Computing Area. After 10 minutes the candidate may no longer take the exam. The candidate must present a valid ID and their receipt of payment upon arrival.
  • If for any reason the candidate cannot be at the center on the date and time scheduled, he or she must cancel two hours prior to the schedule time.
  • The counselor will present the candidate with the grade he or she obtained immediately after completing the exam.
  • Should the candidate obtain his or her desired score, the Office of the Center will issue the individual a certificate stating the score obtained 24 hours after the exam.
  • If the applicant wishes re-take the exam to improve his or her score, he or she may start the process again after completing 24 hours of study in the academic areas of the center or 30 calendar days after taking the exam.
  • Any user who wishes complete the Reading Comprehension exam may ask for information at the Office of the Center.
  • The exam must be scheduled at least 24 hour in advance in the Reading Area between 9:00 am and 7:00 pm. The candidate must show a receipt of payment.
  • The exam is offered Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm and from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm.
  • The candidate must arrive on time to the Reading Area. After 10 minutes the candidate may no longer take the exam. The candidate must present a valid ID and their receipt of payment upon arrival.
  • If for any reason the candidate cannot be at the center on the date and time scheduled, he or she must cancel two hours prior to the schedule time..
  • The counselor will present the candidate with the grade he or she obtained immediately after completing the exam.
  • The minimum passing grade for this exam is 8. If the applicant wishes to re-take the exam to improve his or her score, he or she may start the process again after completing 24 hours of study in the academic areas of the center or 30 calendar days after taking the exam.





  • An offence is any conduct or attitude that goes against the principles and values promoted by the University.
  • There are both serious and minor offenses.
  • Serious Offenses:
  • Disrespecting the staff.
  • Using the facilities under the effect of alcohol, drugs and/or narcotics.
  • Theft of personal objects, material or equipment.
  • Deliberately mutilating or damaging the materials and/or equipment or facilities.
  • Misconfiguration of the software.
  • Taking part in activities unrelated to the purpose of the center.
  • Ignoring the posted signs and/or notices.
  • Minor Offenses:
  • Please see those detailed in Chapter VI of the Rules and Regulations of the Academic Services Department.





  • 2. All users are required to attend an Introductory Session. Any student who for any reason is not able to attend the Introductory Session with their group may ask to complete the session at an alternate date and time to satisfy this requirement.


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