
For more clarity regarding the questions or doubts you may have, we suggest you to read the following glossary first:

Digital activity: Academic activity available in the Self-learning Platform, in the Garza Platform.

Self-Learnign Platform: Section in the Garza Platform ehre the grades that student obtains in a production and interaction session will be recorded according to his/her participation and performance; ando also where the Digital Activities are available.

Service Point: Academic unitary space with resources for practice, improvement and/or reinforcement of the language available to the student.

Reservation: The result of booking in advance in the Reservation System to guarantee a place in a CAI, in the corresponding area. This is the way to access the use of the resources and services offered by the Self-learning language centers.

Production and interaction session: Session in which the student interacts with a language counseor and other students to develop activities focused on oral and written interaction and production in a foreign language.

Reservation System: System through which a reservation is made to guarantee a place (service point) in the one of the areas offered in the Self-leaning language centers.

Validation: Result of entering the Self-learning section in the Garza Platform so that a counselor can assign a grade for an interaction and production session.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


  1. What are the requeriments for attending the self-learning language sessions?
    1. Current, legible university ID card or proof of enrollment with legible photo and stamp
    2. Notebook
    3. Pen or pencil
    4. Scheduled reservation

  2. Can I enter with proof of registration withou a photo and with a stamp or vice versa?
    No, you will only be able to access the areas by showing your valid poof of enrollment, with photo, stamp and preferably in ink. Remember that another option is to show your valid and legible university ID.

  3. If the photo on my university ID is not legible, can I attend the session?
    No, you will only be able to attend the session as long as you show your university ID with legible photograph, otherwise you will not be able to enter and yu will lose your session(s). In this case, we recommend you to process your university ID again.

  4. Why do some areas or centers require me entry requirements and other don't?
    Entry requirements must be presented in all areas and in all self-learning language centers. If for some reason they were not requested in any of the areas, do not be confident. No one is exempt from the entry requirements.

  5. Do I need to know my position number in the area assigned to me by the system?
    Yes, you should know the position number assigned to you by the system, specially in areas that involve the use of a computer, in order to facilitate and expedite the roll call of tha session in the assigned computer.

  6. Do I need to print the evidence of the reservation I made?
    No, it is not necessary. Remember that some minutes before tha start time of your session you can check the reservation you made in the "Reservation List" section. Once the time you made your reservation has started, you will be able to consult the "Reservation History" section, where you will see the attendance until the session has finished.

  7. Can I do a session if I don't hace a reservation?
    No, the entrance to the areas is only with previous reservation.


  9. How many reservations can I make in one day?
    Depending on the self-learning language center you go to, you cn make 1 or 2 reservations. This varies according to the infrastructure of each self-learning language center.

  10. Can I make rservations at any self learning language center of the university?
    Yes, you have access to any self-learning language center for your self-study language sessions as long as you meet the entry requirements.

  11. ow fair in advane can I book a self-learning language session?
    You can book 3 days in advance, depending on the center, and up to 5 minutes before the time you want to have yur session if there is availability.

  12. How many absences and cancellations can I accumulate during the semester?
    Even though ther is no limit, we suggest you not to accumulate more than 3 absences or 3 cancellations. Remember that by making a reservation and not attending your session, you are taking away the possibility for another student to make a reservation and attend a session.

  13. When can I cancel my reservation?
    You can cancel your reservation up to 15 minutes before the scheduled time.

  14. Why during the session, even though i have taken the roll call in the corresponding area, when I check the reservation system, I got an absence"?
    Because the reservation system assigns the attendance until the session has finished.

  15. I don't remember in which areas I booked, where can I see the information?
    Enter the Reservation System, in the "Reservation List" option found in the menu.

  16. Why does the reservation I made no longer appear in the reservation system?
    It is possible that the session start time is elapsing. In this case, you can check the reservation in the "Reservation History" option.

  17. Why can't I do my roll call if I made a previous reservation?
    Your reservation was probably made at another time, on another day, in another area, or even in another self-learning language center. We suggest you check your "Reservation List" or you "History" in the Reservation System to verify the information.


  1. What areas and schedules are available at each center?
    This information can be cosulted pn our microsite, in ther service schedules section.

  2. There are areas that indicate "Level A" and "Level B", what does it mean?
    It means that the activities are focused on the level of language proficiency, according to the Common European Famework of Refeence for Languages -CEFR- that the student has. It is neccesary that you book your sessions according to the level of language proficiency you have in order to make the most of the session.
    For more information, please consult the following document (page 26).

  3. What should I do in an interaction and production session?
    The purpose of these areas is for you to participate in an oral and/or written expression according to the dynamics of the sessions we offer; that is, you will perform activities supported by a counsellor and at the end of the session you will get a grade for you participation and performance.

  4. What should I do in the Self-learning Platform?
    There are digital activities in the Self-learning Platform available for each language subject. These activities have a grammar and vocabulary evaluation, and a reading and listening comprehension evaluation. When you fulfill them, you will get a grade.

  5. How many Self-learning activities should I do every mid-term period?
    More than a number of activities, the important thing is that you have 4 grades, minimun, at the end of every mid-term period to have the average for a final grade in each mid-term period.


  1. Why can't I log in to the Self-learning platform?

    Mainly for the following reasons:

    • The account number or the pin you are entering is not correct

    • If you have already entered the Garza Platform but when you click on the Self-learning section you are returned to the home page to enter yu account numberand password again, it is because you are not validated in the Syllabus of your language course, that is, the Syllabus is being edited either because there is no teacher assigned or because ther is a change of course or group.


  1. I did a digital activity but the grade was not registered, why?
    Every single activity you fulfill in the Self-learning Platform is registered and you can consult it in the Grades option. It is very important that, before starting the evaluations you make sure about an appropiate internet connection so you avoid problems when doing the activities. It is also important that you make sure about having saving and sending correctly all the answers.

  2. I entered a production and interaction session but my grade is not resgistered, why?
    It is important to considerer that if you have not validated yourself in the Self-learning section, you are not visible to the counselor and ther is no way to assign your grade. To do this you simply need to log into the Garza Platform, then go to the Self-learning section and finally, to the corresponding mid-term period (1, 2 or 3). If you validated yourself before entering the session, you reserved, and your grade does not appear, go to the counselor who attended you to clarify the situation. We suggest you to verify this grade before the end of the corresponding mid-term period.

Last update || September 2024