General Public Services

I. Resgistration to Self-Learning Language service:

Service objective

To provide the self-learning language service in the areas of Spoken Interaction and Production, Written Interaction and Production, eLearning, Experts room, Séances de production et intéraction orale et écrite and Mündlicher und schriftlicher Ausdruck und Interaktion for general public who require the practice of English, French or German languages.

Payment concept:

  1. Self-learning registration lasting 3 months, the cost of this service is $600

  2. Self-learning registration lasting 4 months, the cost of this service is $800

  3. Self-learning registration lasting 5 months, the cost of this service is $1000

  4. Self-learning registration lasting 6 months, the cost of this service is $1200

Place where the payment is made:
    Check the tutorial
Target population:
    To the general public

Place where the service is required:

    In the Self-Learning Language Center

Requirements to obtain the service:

  1. Make the corresponding payment

  2. Go to DAI to register in the System and submit a standard photograph (2.5 x 3 cm in color or black and white) for your ID.

  3. Make the corresponding reservation

  4. Attend your sessions presenting your ID issued by the DAI, notebook and pencil or pen.

Response time to obtain the service:

    Maximum, 24 hours after having made the corresponding payment and having gone to DAI to register in the system and deliver your ID (working days only)..

Update this page|| September 2024